Bank holiday weekend was rather eventful; from my rugby 'non' date to the rainy barbecue.
Saturday; I got bamboozled into going to watch a rugby match plus a dinner ball afterwards, just as this rugby player/enthusiast/friend of a friend also got bamboozled into taking me to his match. Adrenaline charged, port filled men and boys flying across the field and landing on each other, not exactly my idea of a Saturday bank holiday outing, although i was looking forward to the famed 'grunting', but not much of that occurred. Cheering the boys on i did get a stroke on the cheek prompting an experienced cheerer to say, "at least you get some show of affection, that's more than i ever get". I can guarantee that next time i am cajoled into rugby cheering, I'd definitely be making a picnic out of it with luxury seating arrangements, cupcakes, ice cream, the full works. Ladies! martinis at the ready, Boys! get scrumming!
Sunday's lesson; This summer make sure to eat before attending a barbecue because you risk starvation. My friend Shash invited us to her 'neighbours' barbie. The un-sexyness of the weather sure did nothing to keep us in high spirits. My fish pie held us for approximately five hours till the party food was ready to be eaten. Embezzling treats and drinks was not our finest moment, as you know i pride myself on being a chic young lady but dare i say, hunger and thirst brings out the worst in any man.
Monday; First i fell in love with my girlfriends's baby, then I fell deeply in love with that little gorgeousness in my video, now I'm a total wreck without a her. Reason two to consider rehab this summer.
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